
Beginners guide to b2b eCommerce

B2B refers to business between two businesses. They buy, sell and exchange products through online channels. The good thing about it is that the prices are flexible. This business promotes long-term interest. Let’s discuss some benefits.

Better customer experience

B2B customers avail the services of B2C through a b2b eCommerce website made for the business. The website offers multiple features like price segmentation, punchout, processing orders, deliveries, payments, and much more. Backend business systems like enterprise resource planning, customer relationship management, order management systems are used to run the business. It returns increased sales, speedy transactions. The errors are minimized and the operational cost is efficient.

Increased reach

The website helps in increasing the reach of the business because it can be accessed all over the world. B2B eCommerce websites that feature public-facing catalog pages are very beneficial.  It helps in bringing more clients to the website. Moreover, SEO can be used to increase the visibility of the business.  The website needs to appear in search engine result pages to get visible to the target audience. Relevant keywords are used to make the business appear on top.

More data access

Reporting features are built-in in the eCommerce b2b sites. It can be used to access the data to build the marketing strategies for the business. Other business aspects can also be covered. Track performance reference can be used for making offers to the customers.

Percentage of return visits

When the clients return to the websites that means the website is doing well. It makes the information credible and indicates that the website is attractive and user-friendly.

Online order frequency

Online purchases save the time and resources that would have been used for offline processing of the orders. Sales agents have time to deal with other client requests without the help of other employees. Moreover, it will boost the sales as well. This also shows how the website is helping in increasing sales.

Client retention rate

The period that the clients have stayed with you determines the client retention rate. It is usually because of the business decision you make.  Some decisions can make the clients stay for longer and some might turn them off.

Taking B2B and eCommerce together

B2b can be used with eCommerce to gain benefits. The main factor here is the type of eCommerce business. It has more benefits than a B2C model. Let’s shed light on the advantages

Easy audience targeting

B2C targets individual customers whereas b2b targets enterprises. An individual makes one or two orders according to their needs. But in B2B, company executives make large orders which are in bulk. The coordination is easy in this case.

High conversion rate

The market size is big and the conversion rate is higher when we talk about b2b business. B2B clients buy the item in bulk. The average order value is $491 and the average conversion rate is 10 %.

Must-have features for b2b eCommerce website

B2B e-commerce websites should have these features.

  • Setting the minimum, and maximum quantity for buying an item.
  • Setting the fixed price for an item and discount for volume-based items.
  • Clients’ orders must be directed to the administrative office automatically.
  • Payment options must be flexible.
  • Bulk pricing, inventory handling, quote management, advanced search, and punchout should be incorporated. All these critical business systems are necessary.
  • Privacy protocols must be followed.
  • Clients should be encouraged to make multiple user accounts. It should be enabled with individual accounts.
  • The website should be user-friendly and must offer easy navigation.

Tips for improving b2b marketing tactics

It is important to follow some steps to avoid losing valuable customers. Poor customer support can bring loss to the business.

  • A buyer persona must be created to enhance the marketing strategies.
  • Give value to the clients to improve the business.
  • Create compelling pages to make the experience of the customer amazing.
  • When a customer contacts for a query, reply as soon as possible to gain that customer. Late replies can turn the customer off which will result in losing a potential buyer.
  • Design different marketing strategies and work on them to bring productivity to the business.
  • Customers like to contact a business according to their availability. Provide customer support around the clock. This will help them to contact the business besides business hours.
  • Social media must be used for promoting the business. Many buyers like to use social media for online services.  Therefore, setting up social media accounts is necessary. Quick replies must be initiated to facilitate the customers. People mostly use social media because it helps them connect with the business at a fast pace.
  • Reliable customer service tools must be used to assist. These tools have efficient ticketing systems that classify and determine the best solution for the clients.

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